Two days ago, my uncle came to Libya. His last visit was in 2004, the year we moved here. His 2004 visit was his first visit to Libya since he was 17 years old. He has two sons,and is married to a German lady. Both of his sons came to Libya at around year 2004 for the first time in their life,and they liked it here. The only problem is that they dont speak any Arabic. They only know few words, but the good thing is they both speak in addition to German, English. It would be a real problem if they didnt speak English. As no one in the family speaks German with exception to their own father and mother!! Both of my cousins say they are amazed at the kindness and welcome they have recieved..I reply "come on you are one of us"..i think thats a wonderful part of the Libyan community we dont treat people as outsideres regardless where they come from...so ofcourse my cousins are even more so part of us..
We were all gathered at grandma to welcome them,this time my uncle came with one of his sons. It is nice having them here:) Welcome home you two:)
thats is good i am sure they will feel v welcomed but usually the problem with people who have been away from libya so long is that they r use to things being done other ways and it is hard to adapt ............ but i am sure u will make them welcomed and their english will help them but i find it sad when libyans cant speak arabic at all :(
enjoy ur time with ur family###
fe aman allah
thats true ya akak, but then they are only here for one week...as for speaking arabic i dont balme them. I mean, even those born to Libyan parents loose their arabic so in their situation with a non-arabic speaking mom it is not odd at all!
i'll. This summer has been all about family gaterings...from my dad's side and mom's side...amazing really!!
enjoy ur time here:)
enjoy your family :o)
Enjoy their company, and have a great time together, nothing beat the family ties, they are there for you when you need them through thick and thin, bless you all.
Enjoy your time with them and I hope you get better soon :).
happy: dont get me wrong i didnt mean it in a bad way and i dont blame the kids at all, but i think some blame should be taken by the parents who dont insist that their kids ,at least, understand/read arabic as its the lang of the Quran as well as it being our lang
Fe Aman Allah
true ya akak..dont worry i understood u:)i know what u mean by parents responsiblity..but their mom (my uncle's wife) is a German Christian...so their is more to this whole thing then learning arabic, which they are very interested in learning now! i dont think they are considered Libyans, nor do i think they consider themselves so, this world is so strange to them...very strange!
Alhamdulilah 3ala salamet your your uncle & his family!!
Allah esalmek ya crazy lebeeya:P
5th time!!!
I am going to search for 'throw rocks at girls" now
dont make me angry :P
"Willkommen " welcome in german, lol, one of the few words my friend has taught me, its pronunced, Velcoumen, lol, they're young, no? they'll learn arabic in no time!
and yea, u have a point there happymoi, we have this beautiful thing in libya, welcoming strangers, its something we can always be proud of :) hehe i sound like a grandma here! lol
bs welcome beehom :)
Salam Happymoi,
What a great family summer you've had, alhamdullilah. Enjoy it!
ماتقعديش تخممي فيهم حايلقوا وسيلة للتفاهم معاكم حتي ولو بالاشارات
رجل جارت اختي في لندن انقليزي مسلم مايعرفش الا يالغة عربية يابلاش
وقت جي لليبيا نزل طول لسبها
فقالتلي زوجته انه طول بدي يتكلم ليبي زيهم وهما يضحكوا عليه
ربي يسعدكم جميعا!
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