ALhamdullah as many times as there are human beings on this earth
and even more so. Alhamdullah! I'm so happy. All that studying didnt go to waste:):):) I was told that i got top student, i havent seen that yet but i'll take my friend's words. The list of rankings isnt yet composed by the school so my friend just checked our averages and said i was top (ofcourse im thrilled:)). I'm not too worried about rankings and all because for me passing criminal law was a mircal... Really the exams for that course were hell on earth!! I'm so greatful i passed it. YAY celebration time:)
While talking about results: Congrats to my friend Mo for graduating, i knew you'd get far! Mashallah! Congrats to all grads of 07. To my classmates and friends: mabrook al naja7:)
I just thought i share with everyone the best moment of the day!! ALhamdullah:)
Mabrook Mabrook Mabrook Mabrook :) I am so thrilled and happy for happy
I knew you would get top student and masha allah you did but wallah i had a feeling you would :D
I think my barakat had a lot to do with your grades :) as I sent you more than the average number of barakat and insha allah this is just one step for you as we want to hear about you when you become a full Lawyer insha allah and then we will sue the world :)
Happy Is Happy :)
Fe Aman Allah
(doing a happy dance while singing loudly) MABROOK, MABROOK, MABROOK, MABROOK!!!! This is fantastic news, ALHAMDULLILAH.
Happy, Happy She's our gal lets all give her a great big bow. (bowing before the soon-to-be Attorney at Law)
Mabrook Elnajah wa elhamd illah 3ala al-salama ... 3a3'bal al-ta7'rij :).
Congratulations and Best of Luck to you in your future endeavors!!!
(Jumping over from Journey of Life)
Cheers to you and your future . . .
BTW what is that "rororororeyyy" in the end? is that Zagoota? hmmm let think of how to do the correct spelling of a zagroota :P
Fe aman allah
mabrooook sweetieeee, mashallah I am soo proud of u :o) yeeyyy, kana na3rf nzaghrt rahu i did ...:o)
take care
MashaAllah, Mabrouk and well done :o)
765438909764 mabrook: u deserve it, allah does not waste any efforts done in the right way.
but i have question how u can read and understand each clause in all these books.
Mabroooook ya happymoi!! :) :) ya3tek el sa77a sis lol
Allah ebarek feek:)i'm so happy walahi:):):)
akeed ur prayers are what made me reach where i'm! Oh btw i left you the cash at the firm for your barakat:) hehe..
ibee: my dear fellow, i love your comments. You have a way of putting a smile on my face everytime:) Allah ebarek feek:) Thank you thank you:)
ph: thank you, allah ebarek feek:)
mixed me up: welcome to my blog,its always my pleasure to get to know someone new:)Thank you for your comment:)
akak: lol lol lol i dont know how to za3'ret so i wont know how to spell it..come on give me credit for trying!!!
damoon: allah ebarek feek:):) it doesnt matter how u sa3'ret as long as u do:)
anglo: Allah ebarek feek and 3oqbal to ur kids inshallah:)
brave heart: allah ebarek feek, thank you for your comment:)
mani: thank you bro, walahi im so happy..no one can measure the happiness im in, never did i feel so happy in my life as today,because this year was really tough so alhamdullah:)
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