My trip to London was first and foremost for work experience! Most of my days were spent at work and i had very little time off. In the contrary, my mom, and brother were there to chill and relax. Having said that, i had in mind few places i wanted to visit, especially after the car tour my dad's friend took us in. I wanted to see Madame Tussuad's museum, and Harrods. These two i really wanted to see, as we say in Libyan "if i didn't see them a Palm tree would have risen on my head". My mom didn't want to tag along with me as she wanted to get some shopping done..my dad's friend's daughter wanted to hang out with me and i thought this would be a good chance for us to catch up on everything since i spent very little time with her due to work..... I wouldn't go alone either not because I'm afraid but rather because fun=a minimum of two people:) So i was pleased that she too had in mind going out with me on my last day. I asked her to come early and so she came to my place at 10am. I thought good timing. I had a good night sleep. I slept until 9am. Then woke up, got ready and waited for my friend. She arrived we took the bus to Baker street. We located the museum and WOW, the cue, as referred to by the British was LONG..i call it line up, it was sooooooo crowded! We waited until about 1:30pm to get in. Finally we got our tickets and got in. I was so excited to see everyone and be me. I missed the real me. I'm an outgoing person, i would jump up and down, i don't have "act ur age" theory, although when I'm in Libya i try my best to, but usually, the real me wins. So i took pictures with a lot of the stars,leaders....i was crazy....but i had a blast....I took some pics specifically for the blog, and I'll have a pic entry inshallah as soon as i get the connector:) The museum was so crowded. It was amazing walahi!! It felt like one of those wild parties (not that i ever been to one:P) it was fun. The funny thing that happened to me while i was there was when i thought that the statue of a journalist with a camera was real, you see i noticed her, so i turned around and i said sorry cuz i was standing in front of her...only to realize after few minutes later that she wasn't real. I started laughing with my friend hysterically!! God..i keep laughing at myself every time i remember!!! We saw everything we could,acted proper with the crowd and left after we finished our tour of the museum. Then my friend suggested that we got to family square (well it has a different name) i cant recall. To Londoners help me out (its where lots of birds are) loooooooooooool. That's the best i could describe it! Yea yea its what u r thinking! Almohem. We took pics there. I was on a mission, protecting my friend's water bottle from the guys collecting garbage, because every time i put it on the floor next to me or next to the stand near the fountain someone trys to grab it. Actually in one of the pics i was trying to stop the guy. I laugh everytime i see it. Then we ate at McDonald's. After that, we headed to Harrods. YEAH. I was so thrilled to have gotten the chance to visit it, again, i was trying to protect myself from growing a Palm tree over my head. Harrods was my number one must see. That might sound odd to everyone especially with the fact that i hate shopping. I think the reason for my visit was because there was so much publicity about the mall and i wanted to see it. I saw the memorial for Diana and Dodi. I couldn't help though but feel sad that such a memorial would be set for Dodi by his own father especially the wine glass....i mean we are always told to remember the best of those who pass away not the worst "odkro ma7asena mawtakum". Well, i took a pic of the memorial as well. I took a picture of the Harrods green sofa as well. I will post them all inshallah as soon as i get the phone connector (again, i don't know when I'll get it). I toured around Harrods and there was a protest against fur which i guess are the essence of many of the products Harrods sells. I took a photo of the protest as well. Then it was seven pm. Kalas, my energy was off, i needed to get home. I got to my place freshened up, chatted a bit with my friend then she had to head home because her house is an hour away. Then i stayed home and waited for my mom...she came at around 8pm...I asked her to tag along with me to Costa for a hot chocolate which i have been wanting to have all week, but didn't until my last day. Before our coffee we went quickly to shops, got chocolate for my cousins,and a cute dress for my cousin's baby girl, and a book for me (The Devinchi Code-yes i haven't read it YET). That was the end of my last day in London. I had a blast. I will forever remember the tour my dad's friend took us to on my second or third day and also will remember my last day there, and for sure my work experience and the warm welcome i have received from everyone there. I laughed and walked like i have never done before. My trip was amazing!!! Alhamdullah!!! I would so go again:)
On the day of my trip bk home, i purchased 3 John Grisham books(The Client,The innocent man,The Pelican Brief), and two Toni Macguire Books (When Daddy comes home, Don't tell Mommy). I ended up spending around 40 pounds on books. I would have spent more if i got the chance but i had to check out. I think i have an obsession with books. I like buying and reading them more so then buying clothes....my sister thinks I'm nuts!!
P.S: Pics to come when i get the connector back:)
On the day of my trip bk home, i purchased 3 John Grisham books(The Client,The innocent man,The Pelican Brief), and two Toni Macguire Books (When Daddy comes home, Don't tell Mommy). I ended up spending around 40 pounds on books. I would have spent more if i got the chance but i had to check out. I think i have an obsession with books. I like buying and reading them more so then buying clothes....my sister thinks I'm nuts!!
P.S: Pics to come when i get the connector back:)
The square is called Trafalgar Square and its an Arabic name :o)
الطرف الاغر
did you see the Egyptian hall in Harrods? it has Al-Fayed's face plastered all over the columns.
it has been many years since I visited tpurists places in London, it was fun reading about them :o)
sounds like you had a lot of fun! :) I love buying books too, but these days, i just borrow them from the library. I just finished reading the DaVinci code, and I thought it was a really interesting book. Take care :)
Salam Happymoi,
What a great last day there. Sounds like a lot of fun and certainly lots of laughter. Especially with "fake" journalist...LOL
Glad you got to see Harrods. What a great place to explore. Their food court area, which I believe is located in the basement area is out of this world.
What ever happened with the assignment you were working on? What did they think of your work?
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