Happpppppppppppppppppy is Happpppppppppppppppppppy:P
Yes. i have been alife for 24 years today. My memory drove me through time and while i was in the memory lane i remembered many things,,,,i took such a tour with a pleasent smile in my face..Yes i have done well. Alhamdullah i have tons to be greatful for...I have had a wonderful life, and i hope it continues to go that way......
I'm so pleased to say that today has been so wonderful, and i do hope that everyone is having a great time.....i have been so busy with driving lessons (took seven so far) and school so im away for a reason:D hope everyone is doing well. Keep me posted:P
awwww, I loooove ur attitude gurl, kul sana o inte taiba and many many happy yrs to come inshallah "tafa2alo khairan tajedooh"
happy birthday sis
enjoy in your day and feel it
fe aman Allah
happpy birthday ya ummmmii..inshallah 3u2bal many more fab years..
take care ya samoooo7a
salam to ur family
Happy Birthday Happymoi and 3a3'bal 100 years :D.
a very happy birth day, and all the best for a bright future to come, gd luck with ur driving
Salam Happymoi,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! May all your dreams and wishes come true, inshallah.
Happy birthdaaay to youuuu :o).. Inshallah you'll always be happy.. best of luck
Happy Birthday to you, 3ogbal met shm3a. Keep smiling and best of luck (you don’t need it I am sure) in your driving lessons and your test.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!!! wish all your dreams come true!
HAPPY BIRTH DAY, another girl fighting life optimistically in libya, go on girl u can do it ...
happy birthday ya 7elwa o 3ogbal 100 sana of happniess , bless you inshallah
happy birthday and many happy returns inshaAllah
happy birthday sis
we re scorpion...lool
me and u..
Out of all the blogs, the one i missed the most was yours ... and I wish you the happiest of birthdays and may allah look over you and bless every step you take
"Our birthdays are feathers in the broad wing of time"
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