I have been away from this blog since my b-day! Well lots has been going on, for one thing i got a cold, i guess its because of the change of sessons all of a sudden after the heat wave we had here! I'm always the first to catch a cold!
Alhamdullah, i'm doing much better, although still suffering from a cough and a running nose! I have decided to take today off school and do some serious studying and stay away from the cold weather. My school schedule changed again for the 3rd or fourth time. I'm back to having 4 school days (Sunday,Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday) so by not going to school today i will have 4 days off before going back for two days (Sunday and Monday) then its Eid Vacation. We get a day ahead of Eid off so thats good news! or so i heard!
I have alot of studying to do. I dont know how i got to this point of having to miss school to cacth up with work..part of the reason was due to my flu, i cant seem to function well when im sick even though im not the type that sleeps through my sickness. I continued going about my daily routine of even attending school...which could be part of why its taking me so long to heal!
I have got an offer through my last year's commercial law professor about working with NDB. I know that Mani works there too (right?), i dont know if im going to take the offer. They want me to work along while studying...My parents feel that i should foucs on my schooling, and im thinking i should check the offer and see if its worth some of my free time (it all depends on how flexiable they are)!
I dont know what, but all of a sudden i have become such an important person and everyone wants me to join....i know i should be happy and im but with the amount of school work i have i fear i may not be able to accept anything...I feel totally mixed up..I'm planning to pray istikrah and see where life leads me.... i feel saying no may be a decision i regret later on....So im in an endless cycle of confusion ...Life is sooooooooooooooo confusing, and every passing day i get another thing to add to this endless cycle....all i got to say is inshallah khair!
The most exciting news of all is that my brother will be joing us this Eid. I'm soooooooooooooooo excited!
Also, i have completed my driving lessons awhile back, and all im doing now is waiting for a car so i can take more lessons in it, before i hit the road and officially get my license!
Happpppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppy Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid Everyone
1st of all "Al-Hamid lil-allah Alaa Alsamala" and hope you get better soon
Its very good to have these offers and insha allah you will choose what is best for U :) and see if you can balance both work and study as i have a feeling that YOU would be able to do so
BTW its always good to see you back blogging
Fe Aman Allah
awww, poor u, but look at da bright side of da story, u won't get sick again all winter :o) ... regarding school/work, i am not worried about u, mashallah 3leek u r brilliant and with the help of da right ppl u'll be able to make a decision u'll never regret inshallah....
gedash khroof shreto?...lol sheno sametuhum? dandi o mandi...lol jk inshallah ur brother yousel besalama and u enjoy his company o tal3eeh besiyara dahwri beeh o egool okhti mwalia driver :p glad to read ur post haboba :o)
hey sis glad to hear that you're fine
about the offer I think الاستخارة will help you
for me it's interesting to study and work at the same time i wish that i can do it but I don't have time for that believe me its realy nice if you got the ability to focus in both of them go on and do it .
wish to get your car soon Im waiting for it as you
fe aman Allah
ياهلا وغلا
حمد الله علي السلامه طيب الي شفناك
اني قريب نزلت اعلان في الجرايد وقلتلهم عليك بس للأسف ماعنديش
موصفاتك حتي في مدونتي
mixed stories
كتبت عليك وعلي البقية المختفيين
والله استاحشتك يابنت
لينا زمـــــــان عليك
حمد الله علي سلامتك والبرده هادي لازم منها في الشتي ...لو ماتمرضيش معناها فاتك الجو متع الخشوم والزكمه
حلو إنك تشتغلي وتقري في نفس الوقت مدامه مش حايأثر علي قرايتك و مش حايأثر علي صحتك لأن صحتك تهمنا
وأخيراً بتبدي تزاحمينا في الطريق غير ردي بالك تجي قدامي وتسوقي بالشوية راهو فيسع ماتولعلي ونقول عندهم الحق الي قالوا النساوين مايعرفوش يسوقوا
موفقه يارب ومره ثانية معادش ترقدي هالنومه الطويلة
Hello, how are you now?
I hope as you read my note will be on the mend and you are keeping well.
for your chance to work beside the studying ,you have full potential to that, my advise is to go on with both and I ask the Allah to help you
Please keep me abreast of what's going on in doing new job.
all my regards to you
YOU HAVE BEEN MISSED.. awlan 7amdellah 3ala salamtek sweetie.. yah you're feeling tired cuz you kept pushing yourself without taking some time off while sick.. stay home drink some hot liquids and hope you get better soon :o)..
Inshallah you'll never regret your decision whatever it is :o).. and be sure if the first offer came the others will follow inshallah.. take your time think about it.. and if you think you have lots of free time and the NDB is flexible then why not :o) all the best..
Hope your bro arrives 3le khair.. it is nice to have all family around for Eid :o).. kul 3am o into tybeen :o)
yalla it's time to get a car and start cruisin' girl..;o) have a great day!
Salam Dearest Happymoi,
Indeed you have been missed. Glad you are getting better, and inshallah continue to be well. May your brother's travels back to Libya for Eid be safe, inshallah.
My advice to you concerning your situation is to do what you initially stated---pray, then make a decision. The good news is once you've made a decision you are free to make yet another decision if need be. Making no decisions makes everything seem so confusing and overbearing. May Allah guide you accordingly and may you recognize His guidance, inshallah.
Happy Eid to you and your family and Muafaka in your studies :).
Happy Eid to you as well :)
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
بمناسبةغيد الاضحى المبارك
نسال الله العلى العظيم ان يعيده علينا وعليكم بالخير واليمن والبركات
وكل عام وانتم بخير
eid mubarak ya umi
wallahi i miss u lots.
inshallah when i come to libya i will come to tripoli just to see u :P lol i miss ur smile ya ummmii
enjoy the bbq's and 7amdila 3ala salamit ur bro and may ur father come back inshallah bilsalama
Happpppppppppy Eid
Enjoy ur Eid Times With Family Or With Ur Friends.
Eid Mubarak to you and your family
Eiiid Mubarak ya 7elwa!
wenek ya ghzala mghatsa?
To you as well :)
happy.. im sorry i didnt even get a chance to read your post .. H just pointed it out to me.. what happened with your NEDB application.. did u apply???
pls get back to me
I havent applied.
The thing is, my prof told me before Eid Al adha that i should join. He said he'd would talk to me about it when he comes to the university. I havent seen him since that time. So i really dont know much about the offer he is making. He just knew that im fluent in English and offered me to join. That was it.
well, are u still interested???
happymoi.. please apply lol..
telephone number: 021 562 3918
email to send CV: manal.monir@nedb.ly,
The position: Legal Officer
waiting :)
May i ask for more detials?
Like what am i expected to do?
How felixable are they? As you know im a full time student and its my last year...
For now, i want to know more information.
right, ok. a job description request.. well here are the facts:
1) we are always on the lookout to recruit talent
2) the place is still under establishment, and the scope of work for departments and their operations have only recently been defined and approved
3) my department, is the business climate and investment development department: responsible for developing, leading and coordination initiaves relating to legislation and governing structures of the business environment factors, developing recommendations and solutions etc in a number of areas: property rights, business and commercial law, labour law, contracting and procurement, private sector engagement and so on.
4) room to negotiate the relevance of your talent and experience in light of the work demanded..
if these facts are good enough for you pls apply. you can even visit for an informal interview and assessment. There is a formal recruitment process but that will depend on positions being made formal and advertised etc. we have recently advertised for 6 posts in a few papers. i can send you the public advertisment if you wish but that needs an email (its a powerpoint).
Happymoi, we are in desperate need for talent.
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