Done DONE done DoNe Done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done done.....
Summer here i come...London get ready for Happymoi's visit...
Aunts/Uncles/Grandmas---I'm going to be around and about so get ready (get ur shopping done) ...friends --after the results i'll come by to say my congrats but before that i gotta catch up with my family..they forgot i exist!!
I shall enjoy my momentary FREEDOM (i hope it last when my results come out) :P Inshallah. Take care everyone...Summer has just began for moi:)
I am so happy for u :)
Insha Allah you will do just fine in all your exams and will get top marks
Take care and dont forget the poor bloggers with all your fun and running around
Fe Aman Allah
u're finaly DONE DONE DONE!!! lol i know how relieved u r feeling right now... although the result anticipation isnot that cool, bs il sa3eb raa7 inshalla the best in ur results... is this your last year???
I wanted to update myself, so i started reading on, and reached your post, dated the 4th of June 2oo7, Exam # 5... I SO TOTALLY AGREEEEEEE!! Typical Libyan girls (i don’t know how else i should describe them) tend to bring you a lot of trouble, and i've been through lots and lots of heartaches and foul incidents by befriending some girls i considered as the nicest girls on the face of the earth, but little did i know!!! why do they consider good ppl naas 3abeta? and ppl who would rather say the truth than lie 3'abiya??? and WHY the hell do they pretend to be all nice o bnat 3eela when apparently niceness and good behaviour are soooooo far away from them that its a small tiny dot in their horizon!! sorry, i got all excited! mind u, im libyan and proud, but some of the Libyan girls i met throughout my years of university make the word "Libyan" quite a demeaning curse!
thanks all:)
akak: ameen ameen (how much will that cost me? lol)
Lebeeya: Allah ebarek feek wa e7'aleek:)
romana: welcome to my blog..i have one more year. Law school here is four years:)
romana:):) (comment number two):
I hear you sister! This has been bothering me alot. I just decided to move on and learn from this..wa inshallah rabi esahel 3aleena kulna..and protect us from such types...and i think this was a lesson for me because honestly im kind beyond belief and i learned the harsh way that in this place being kind is a mistake..a BIG one...yallah rabi yehdina and i keep praying that Allah protects me from such friendships..im still keeping up with this prayer wa rabi esahel!
Looking forward to hearing the results when they are out.
Thanks Ibee:
Inshallah i will post my results as soon as they are out...Hope they turn out well so i'd be faster in posting them:)
MABROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOK mabroooooooook alf mabroook enjoy the VACATION give me a V :o) inshallah belnja7 ya rab enjoy ur time with the family!
Maysoon-thanks for the comment. Inshallah i'll do my best to make "the best" out of my days off. I want my results out soon i just want to know what happens with criminal law...inshallah rabi esahel...and ameen to ur prayer:)
yessssssssssssssssssss wa akhiraaaaannnnn wa alhamduliallah, ya rororororroraayyyyyy
yallah go to london and then come backkkkkkk for us safe and sounddd
ya damoon--london is not until the 7th...so inshallah rabi esahel ..lol
thanks for the za3'rota:P
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