He was so creative in his punishment. He brought a box full of bananas. And told us we had to eat it all. If any of you seen Matilda (the part where the boy had to eat a huge chocolate cake), you would know what we thought at first and what actually would take place. Well for those who didn't see Matilda, we thought cool idea! We started eating,little did we know, that it was impossible for 3 of us to finish all that. I was sick from eating them. But my uncle insisted we continue, so next time when we want something we'd go to the kitchen and not embarrass him in front of the guests. From that day on, i can never touch a banana, never set in a sofra with Banana in it,never pick up a plate that has bananas on it. Thinking about it, i cant stop laughing. This happened 14 years ago, and i still have a banana phobia. I keep telling my uncle, that he was the reason i cant eat bananas anymore. That he was the reason i cant pick his plate of banana and that he has to pick it up on his own. He laughs so hard but he doesn't recall it. He keeps saying did i really do that. I love my uncle. Now i can always run away from cleaning anything that has banana on it:P:P:P Thanks Uncle. LOL
Have a wonderful day everyone:):)