It is the year 2010. I hope this year will be great for everyone. I havent wrriten on my blog for awhile now. I have been using facebook more often than any other website. Then, my usage of facebook has gotten less as well. It is all because of work. I spend all the work day infront of a computer screen, and so i get tired of it. By the time i get home, i just want to rest.
Toward the end of the year 2009, my wedding date has been set. Inshallah it will be on July 8th,2010. This means i have five more months to go until the big day. As excited as im i feel apprehensive & worried. This is only normal- i guess. I havent started on anything. Everyone seems to be rushing about. My friend whose wedding is one week after me has gotten her wedding gown, while i havent even started looking. I havent made any arrangements. My fiance reserved the hall for the Libyan Ma7der, but i havent done anything. My wedding will be held at our residnece- mostlikely. So only reservations for tables/chaires/decorations ect is necessary. I havent started thinking serioulsy about it. My mom made her guest list, i did too. She wants me to minimize my guest list, but i keep saying - mom its my wedding remember...lol.
Lets see what happens, only time will tell. So far i have been so calm as if my wedding isnt yet set.
After my wedding inshallah, ill be moving to the UK - Southampton, to do my masters at Southampton university. I did get accpeted to Glasgow, Manchester, and Northumbria but i made a decison to go to southampton because it is closer to London. It has a fine weather (compared to other areas in the UK). Most people i met want me to go to the London School of Economics. I did accept the offer from southampton. I hope i made the right choice:S:S
Happy is happy as happy can can be
Its been a while since u have updated the blog and u owe us more posts
I agree 100% with ur choice in uni as SH is a beautiful city and its university is a top class uni so rest assure u have made a good decision
Congrats on setting the wedding date as i agree with u, libyans worry too much about these small details and i believe the wedding is simply the gate to a new life and planning what comes after the wedding is much more important so dont worry too much
BTW your date is probably the exact same date as my wedding but we have not officially set the date but we'll probably have it the 1st week of july as well
Keep blogging and u owe us more posts
All the best and i hope work is going well
Fe Aman Allah
هابي ...مبروك عليك العودة للتدوين :)
Salm Happymoi,
Mabrook is in order for your entire post. Very happy for you and wishing you all the best, inshallah.
As Ahmed shared, it's definitely the afterwards of the wedding that really matters, but enjoy the wedding festivities and all that it encompasses in the making.
AHMED!!!! I had no idea you were engaged. I must have missed a posting or something. Mabrook to you as well my friend. Allah's blessings upon you and your bride to be.
Love is in the air for the two of you, and it's wonderful to see.
i didn't know u r still writing .. good one ;)
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