It is the year 2010. I hope this year will be great for everyone. I havent wrriten on my blog for awhile now. I have been using facebook more often than any other website. Then, my usage of facebook has gotten less as well. It is all because of work. I spend all the work day infront of a computer screen, and so i get tired of it. By the time i get home, i just want to rest.
Toward the end of the year 2009, my wedding date has been set. Inshallah it will be on July 8th,2010. This means i have five more months to go until the big day. As excited as im i feel apprehensive & worried. This is only normal- i guess. I havent started on anything. Everyone seems to be rushing about. My friend whose wedding is one week after me has gotten her wedding gown, while i havent even started looking. I havent made any arrangements. My fiance reserved the hall for the Libyan Ma7der, but i havent done anything. My wedding will be held at our residnece- mostlikely. So only reservations for tables/chaires/decorations ect is necessary. I havent started thinking serioulsy about it. My mom made her guest list, i did too. She wants me to minimize my guest list, but i keep saying - mom its my wedding remember...lol.
Lets see what happens, only time will tell. So far i have been so calm as if my wedding isnt yet set.
After my wedding inshallah, ill be moving to the UK - Southampton, to do my masters at Southampton university. I did get accpeted to Glasgow, Manchester, and Northumbria but i made a decison to go to southampton because it is closer to London. It has a fine weather (compared to other areas in the UK). Most people i met want me to go to the London School of Economics. I did accept the offer from southampton. I hope i made the right choice:S:S