I have been really busy lately...and today will be yet another busy day!!!
This past friday i was in a zarda,i.e picnic! I had a good time, and it was a change of the routine cuz instead of going with my dad's side of the family i went with my mom's side of the family. Sunday, i went to a gathering at my uncle's place, i had fun there and i met a friend whom i havent seen since i was in 8th grade. Yesterday, i had two of my university friends over,and i had a splendid time! Today, i have one of my friends coming over, and tomorrow i'm out of here! You read it right:)
YES.....UAE here i come:)
Goodbye tripoli for now, its our vacation time:) I'm so excited...I'm going to miss everyone im sure. I will try to blog from there if i got a chance. I just thought i let you all know so no one would be worried over my disapperance:P
Timshi wa tiji belsalama and I hope you you have fun while you're there. Don't forget the pictures :P ... and thanks for keeping us informed :) .
Safe trip and have a good time.
Salam Happymoi,
YIPPPPPIEEEE FOR YOU! Enjoy your time in UAE. How long will you be blessing the Emiraties with your presence? ;-)
Happy safe travels, inshallah.
have a happy great times in UAE its such a beautiful place full of excitement and shopping missed it a lot, try to go for a safari trip do not go out b4 6 in the evening its hot,come back as shaika hapymoi ha ha, as PH said send pics pls .
have a safe trip and inshaAllah you enjoy your time there :o)
good luck and have fun
hey sweeeetttieeee!!!! UAE EH!!!! nice nice, enjoy ur vacation haboba and take lots and lots of pics, inshallah we'll hook up when I get back
Enjoy your trip :)
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