The up side of the year 2011 :
It was the year i was awarded with the title 'mommy'. It is the most amazing feeling anyone could feel.
It was the year that Libya ended its long dictatorship. We lived and prayed for this end and finally our dream has become a reality.
It was the year that my husband and i learned to live in an environment different than our own and it was the our one year wedding anniversary :):):) ( Who would have said it would be the only year celebrate just us;) from now on its us + our son :D:D)
It was the year my husband started learning English. Now he can 'emashi omooraah'. That is another accomplishment.
It was the year that i learned how to live with much of life's challenges.
It was really an outstanding year despite all the wounds that will take very long time to heal.
I hope and pray that Allah accept Libya's Marytrs and give their families patience to endure the pain.
For the year 2012 - inshallah- I ask Allah to guide me, my family and dear ones, and to help us do our best.
I ask Allah to help all those that are working hard for the sake of Libya. Inshallah etkoon sanet khair.
I'm hungry. The food smells good.It has to smell good. It is made by my mother in law.
It is lunch time. Tomorrow : a start of another week of work, please let there be some work to be done.