Thursday, June 18, 2009
Happymoi's latest.

Thursday, June 11, 2009
Just school related bllllllaaaaaaaaahs;)

Yesterday, i was shown on TV. I was giving the speech, but it was muted, and the channel had a person speaking about the event while showing my pictures. I didnt see it though, memebers of my extended family did. I was told it would be at 11pm, and when i didnt find it exactly on the time mentioned i just left the room to run few errands. So after i left, my uncles,cousins and dad told me that i was on TV. My lack of patience ahhhh!! lol...well i just didnt feel like waiting, and i was like oh well i was there.
Life has been going alright lately. I'm very happy that i have dropped out of the masters program here. It was hectic for me. I wasnt comfortable with some of the professors, and it was so hard getting resources as our university lacks good libararies. My parents were telling me that i would put my self in a tough position as i wont find material to do my research etc...but being hard minded if i may say, i had to enrol. I found out that they were right. I made the descion of dropping out after the scholarship became official. So i hope things do work out. The plan is to go in Jan2010 if i got accepted. So inshallah khair. I don't know what is in store for me. I sure pray that i will get to study abroad. I really want to get my masters done. I do love school. I love learning in general. I know it is not always easy, and sometimes i do wish i was free to do other things, but at the end, school means alot to me. So yes i want to do my masters. Yes i want if life allows me to do my Phd too. Pray for me everyone. I guess i have lots set up for myself and the happiest moment for me would be when i achieve those goals. Stay tunned;)
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
I'll be on TV tonight =)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Last mintue notification- IM GIVING A SPEECH ON THE CEREMONEY!!!!
What am i to doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo?!!!!! Whats the best way to start a speech...is it advised that i take the not sooo traditional root? OMG what am i going to do. I dont want to look so foolish.....arghhhhhhhh! Stay toned to see me on TV :S:S
I'm not readyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!
Monday, June 8, 2009
One mind, Two mindes- your thoughts?!

I have always done things the way i wanted them. My parents are very open minded. I know where the red lines lay, and so i have had the freedom to make choices, and decisions about everything. My parents would put up the advice, and its in my hand to make the final choice. They have done the right thing, and although many times i have wished that someone else would make the decision for me, but i have grown up with knoweldge of how tough it is to make a decision, and how to make a decision regardless of how tough it may be.
The final decision was always mine, and mine alone. Now i'm not alone anymore. Anything that comes up has to discussed and decided with two minds. Mine, and that of my fiance. It is so harrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd. It takes so much effort to get to the point of making a decision. So was it right that i have had this freedom to make decisions from the time i was old enough? or was it a good step, meaning you start by knowing how hard it is to make a decision, then after getting used to that you learn how two can come up with a decision with both interests in mind? I have to be convinced to agree, i cant just agree. My brain wont process. So if you dont convince me, dont even bother thinking i would take your stand. That is making it so hard for me. Because sometimes i just never get convinced, and the decsion process becomes tougher than it already is.
Any thoughts?
How much are you willing to let go for the sake of those you love? where should you draw the line? How can you not loose your asprirations, your dreams,your goals and at the same time not loose your love? Do you ever have to make the choice between your love, and your goals? What if both are of the same importance?
Waiting for your comments.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
My beloved grandma undergoing a surgery right now:S:S
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Summer time, swimming time (muscle cramps:S:S)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
It is been 4 months!!!!

I have been away for four months. I have finally decided to blog again.
There are lots of things i want to say. I have been up to lots. But everything revloves around the same stuff i used to write about.
I have my law school degree. I'm in the process of being appointed at my university as a TA (Tutor Assitant) or mo3eda as is called in the Arabic language.
Since my graduation, i havent worked. The reason was i enrolled in a masters program here, but now i dropped out of the program because i have a scholarship to study abroad and it is finally being processed- el7amdala.
I had two scholarships, but finally decided to go with the Higher Education Commitee in Libya's Scholarship. It is better for me. As i plan to become a professor at my university inshallah. This works for me. I can't just do company work for the rest of my life. Company work is time consuming, and wont work for me in the long run. For me the long run is what matters. I want something i could really do. I know im very ambtious, and nothing seems enough but i dont want to make my life impossible. I want to fullfil my ambtions and at the same time not scarfice the happiness of those i love. I could choose to be workholic, i have lots of offers. But i opt for a balanced life style. It matters in the future when my fiance and i get married inshallah.
Back to what i was saying, the scholarship requires endless paper work. I have started, but im yet to reach the ending point. When i was just relived that im done getting the singatures from my professors for the refernce letters i need for the university i plan to attend, the dean tells me i cant have them in an offcial univeristy paper and that i'd have to ask my professors to switich them to white paper. It is only then that he would stamp them for me! So now i have to run like a headless chicken and try to locate all my professors again. That is a tough job, no one abroad would understand its toughness!!! Then my transcripts and my rank paper. OH boy..i went to get them, and after 3 months of them taking their time to retype them ,stamp them, sign them, i found that they are messed up. My grades were wrong, the typer was just no precise, and mixed up everything. I tried to keep myself calm when in reality i wanted to scream and cry. It is been so long, and the end result is this????? so i went to this nice employee and asked her to get my orginal grades out from the files stacks, and she did that and was shockecd how wrong it was. So now im waiting for my transcripts wa inshallah this time around their wont be any errors. My rank paper had a mistake in the percentage as well. So i'm back to point zero with my papers. It really makes me want to cry!!! If only the admission offices at the universities abroad understand how it is such a hassel to get anything here!!! I mean they keep asking for 2-3 transcripts 2-3 references, i dont blame them. But really we work our heads off just to take those papers. So the wait continues!!
Then came the decision of the country. First it was the UK. It suits me well. Its programs suits me well. But the higher education commitee decided to log the UK off. They made certain things tougher over there and so for now the UK is not on the list of countries in the scholarship list. So then, i decided on the USA. My homeland! So i have to apply there inshallah. I will apply to the UK as well and see what happens. Decisions in Libya are never final so the UK could open up. For now i have located a university that im interested in. I will do the academic English first, then enrol in the LLM program. That way i would have time to adjust to the routine of my former lifestyle and at the same time revise and get ready for the LLM.
If things worked out, and i got accepted. My fiance and i will tie the knot:D:D:D:D. So everyone pray for me that everything works out. Any advise, feel free to shout it out.
I have lots more to talk about, but for now i just wanted to get that out of my system. Hope you are all doing great.
I do miss you all tons.